It all begins with an idea.

Latest projects In development, again all designed in response to daily usage problems that we encounter, or simply just to make our lives easier in the working day.

  • Hand held camera for internal blockages.

  • 10m in length

  • 19mm diameter

  • Negotiates 38mm and bends

  • wrist mounted screen with 2hr battery life

  • Fully submerged in water for over 2hrs and working fine.

  • 12mm wheeled FlexiShaft Unit, with remote control Operation

  • 25 m in length

  • 12mm FlexiShaft sleeved with 16mm tube then 22mm tube for heavy duty root cutting.

    Internal Grab Bag

  • All you need for an internal blockage in one bag

  • Cordless, clutched Drill

  • 6mm FlexiShaft

  • Hand held camera